Emergency Lighting

The Importance of Emergency Lighting in Disasters Such as Earthquakes and Fire

When it comes to natural disasters such as earthquakes and fire, one of the most important ways to ensure our life and property safety is to correctly apply the right engineering technologies, such as emergency lighting, to the right areas. The emergency lighting system is one of the most important components of these technologies. So, for what purpose is this system used, how does it work and what is the legal status in our country?

The Importance of Emergency Lighting in Disasters Such as Earthquakes and Fire Read More »

Matthew Higgins, Mackwell's Product Manager: “Emergency Lighting is a Must.”

mackwell elekon emergency lighting emergency lighting

By its usual definition, emergency lighting can be interpreted as an add-on to the overall lighting design, but in essence it is a safety-critical system that should be given the same importance as smoke alarm, fire suppression and prevention systems.

Matthew Higgins, Mackwell's Product Manager: “Emergency Lighting is a Must.” Read More »

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